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    privacy policy

    No.1 Digital Solution Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") has established the following personal information protection policy, established a system for protecting personal information, and thoroughly ensures that all employees are aware of the importance of protecting personal information and take measures to protect it. By doing so, we promote the protection of personal information.

    [Management of personal information]

    In order to keep customers' personal information accurate and up-to-date and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, and leakage of personal information, we maintain security systems, develop management systems, and train employees. We will take necessary measures such as thoroughness, implement safety measures, and strictly manage personal information.

    [Purpose of use of personal information]

    The personal information we receive from our customers will be used to send e-mails and materials in order to contact us, provide business guidance, or answer your questions.

    [Prohibition of disclosure/provision of personal information to third parties]

    We will appropriately manage the personal information entrusted to us by our customers and will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases.

    • If the customer has consented
    • When disclosing personal information to a company outsourced by the Company in order to provide the service requested by the customer
    • When it is necessary to disclose based on laws and regulations

    [Security measures for personal information]

    Our company takes all possible security measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information.

    [Inquiry about the person]

    If a customer wishes to inquire, correct, or delete their personal information, we will respond after confirming the identity of the customer.

    [Compliance and review of laws and regulations]

    Our company will comply with Japanese laws and regulations and other norms applicable to the personal information it holds, and will review the contents of this policy from time to time and strive to improve it.

    [About access analysis tools]

    Our website uses Google's access analysis tool "Google Analytics." Google Analytics uses cookies to collect anonymous traffic data, which does not personally identify you. You can refuse data collection by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings.

    [Inquiries regarding personal information]

    For inquiries, complaints, and consultation
    No.1 digital solution Co., Ltd.
    1-11-2,Yoyogi,Shibuya-ku Tokyo,151-0053,Japan

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